Welcome to Falcons Class -Years 5 & 6
Class Teacher: Jo Kingscott
Learning Journey
This half term our learning journey questions are:
Relationships: What do we care about?
The children will begin looking at families, how different they are and how to deal with conflict. They'll then think about friendships, the challenges that can occur and how to manage them. Finally, they will think more about their community and see themselves as a global citizen. As a class, they will choose a charity to support this year and write a poem using emotive language.
Science: How can we make water safe to drink?
The children will be learning about states of matter, as well as how water changes state. They will apply this knowledge to the real life problem for many in the world of clean and safe drinking water. They will look at case studies, write explanations and create a water filter.
Children in year 5 and 6 are expected to read every day. When they have finished reading a book, they complete a page in their reading journal. The page contains a review with pictures, thoughts and impressions about the book. Parents are expected to check in with their child, hearing them read occasionally and regularly asking questions about what they have read and their understanding of the text. Children should be bringing their reading book into school as there are opportunities each day for the children to be reading for pleasure.
In Falcons Class this half term in Maths, the children will be answering the question - Which is the most successful business? They will learn about the place value of numbers up to ten million as well as negative numbers, applying this knowledge to data about business and making decisions about which they think is the most successful. The children will then develop their understanding of the four operations and how to calculate with large numbers. They will reason about the most efficient way to solve calculations and prove their understanding with mathematical equipment and models.
PE Days
Our PE days are Mondays and Thursdays. On Thursdays, the children are taught by Exeter City Community Trust. This half term the children will be learning to play Tag Rugby and Hockey. Please ensure that your child has the correct PE kit – white t-shirt, black shorts/ leggings or jogging bottoms and trainers.
Outdoor Learning
Falcon Class will have Outdoor Learning sessions in the garden in November and December, March and April, Jue and July (the second half term of each term). Please ensure that your child has the appropriate clothing (water proof coat and wellies in the wetter and colder months, and sun cream and sun hat in the warmer, sunnier months). Our outdoor sessions are a fantastic opportunity for the children to develop skills in team building, communication and problem solving.
The children are expected to read for at least 10 minutes every day. They are also expected to practice their times tables (Times Tables Rockstars will support this) if they do not know them all. In addition to this, we set another Maths or English task based on what we are learning in class. Homework books are expected to be handed in every Wednesday and will be sent home every Friday. From January, Y6 children will be sent home with SATs Booster Books where they are expected to complete three 10-minute tests each week to prepare them for the SATs assessments in May.
If you have any questions, please contact me via Class Dojo or come to see me at the Classroom door. I look forward to working with you all to support your child's development in these important final years at primary.