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Welcome to Sparrows Class -Year 3

Class Teacher: Issy Townsend

Welcome to Year 3. On this page you will find links to our curriculum along with other useful information including home learning expectations.


Learning Journey 

This half term our learning journey questions are: 

Relationships: How will we care for our community? 

The children will look at what it means to be a community and how we can care for it. They will think about the communities they are part of and who they feel need support, particularly focusing on the elderly community. As a class, we will learn about the charity Age UK and will support the elderly community by visiting a care home to perform a few songs at a later date.  



How does temperature affect the water cycle? 

The children will be learning about materials including water. We will start by learning about solids, liquids and gases, and how these states can change when they are heated or cooled. This will then link to learning about the water cycle. Finally, they will investigate how temperature affects the rate of evaporation and will link this back to their learning on the water cycle. 



Reading at home with your child is a great way to further their development and encourage a love of reading. It is expected that the children read every day. Reading log sheets will be put into homework books with a list of suggested activities the children can do and share with the class. We read independently every morning, so children are more than welcome to bring their reading books into school.  



In Sparrows, we will start the year by building on what the children learnt in Owls class. We will begin by looking at place value. We will be working on our number fluency as well as problem-solving and reasoning skills and will use a range of concrete resources to support our learning.  


​Home Learning 

Homework will be sent out every Friday. The children will be given either a maths task or an English task each week related to what we have been learning in class. They will also have spelling work alongside their reading. Vocabulary sheets relating to the upcoming learning journey may sometimes be included for extra support. Homework books need to be returned by Thursday the following week. 



Our PE days are Wednesday and Thursday. On Wednesday the children will be with me, starting off with some basic coordination skills and footwork to apply to the rest of the year. On Thursdays, the children will have lessons from Exeter City Football Club, with some fun invasion games to kick off the year. Please ensure your child brings in the correct PE kit – white t-shirt, black shorts/leggings or jogging bottoms and trainers.  


Outdoor Learning 

Outdoor learning takes place on a Monday. Please make sure your child comes in with the appropriate clothing and footwear (waterproof coat and wellies in the colder, wet months, and sun cream and sun hat in the sunnier months!). The children love outdoor learning and the chance to explore and develop their collaboration skills.

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